Userprofil von redotsociety
Member since 3 / 2016

Punkte: 13
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: keine Angabe Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About redotsociety

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  1. redotsociety 12. 02 2017

    Mod: John Deere 8000 Serie
    Not bad at all, needs a little tuning to make the HP values realistic, but so far so good, very clean log. The file system is a mess though in the rar lol

  2. redotsociety 15. 05 2016

    Mod: John Deere 8600i
    yet another fine mod, and you have already patched it. i cant thank you enough for the fine work, i owe you a beer! cheers my friend keep up the fine work

  3. redotsociety 11. 05 2016

    Mod: Corn header
    dont worry about these people bro, you bring out quality mods when they do come out. this stuff takes time. im thankful that you are willing to do this for us!

  4. redotsociety 10. 04 2016

    Mod: Gettin' paint
    i can get warning lables and such if you still need them, i work for john deere

  5. redotsociety 30. 03 2016

    Mod: It is alive!
    yea you should calm down. you keep that kinda negativity going and you most likely will not see this at all. by the looks of this machine he likes it perfect. it don't happen over night my friend.

  6. redotsociety 30. 03 2016

    Mod: It is alive!
    you sir are a legend, this thing looks so close to real life. id almost say your Joe lindbe lol. i work on these in real life and i hope this will be released. such a beauty

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