Download Mod 'John Deere Front Weight' runterladen

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3.64 / 11 Stimmen


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  1. adr6245 27. 06 2014

    yes but low polycount models look ugly ingame, like a cartoon or a toy, I want a very realistic looking model not something that loks like a lego toy thats why I make morepolygon, is easier to make low poly models than High poly btw

    1 Antworten

  2. CeeZee 27. 06 2014

    I rebuild your weight and it has only 3k polys... thats how you should do it, check the screenshots.

  3. Niggels 27. 06 2014

    I can't really figure it out why in the world this weight has 14k tris? Who needs a chain with so much segments?
    The texture is also not very nice? Why do you save it in DXT5? A 1k Map is enough for this type of weight. This would Save you alot of VRAM!

    1 Antworten
